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  • Artist in residence @Bunkeraandensloterweg
  • Artist in residence @Spinnerei Leipzig
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Drents museum collection

Museum art collection Das Verhältnis von Konstruktion und Baustoff no. 2 Paint, collage and drawing materials on canvas 50cm x 50cm 2020 Special delivery to @drentsmuseumassen #beforethelockdown Drents museum collection #museumpiece Das Verhältnis von Konstruktion und Baustoff no. 2 | paint, collage and drawing materials on canvas | 50cm x 50cm | 2020

ING bank art collection

Work in commission 2021 ING bank art collection Work in progress June Artist portrait coming up! Thank you Clementine van der Bent photography #artisticportrait #studiolife June After months of preparing, sketching and online meetings ending with a approval, I started with the big work! #workincommission #ıngbank #sitespecificartwork #hugeartwork #mural #ingartcollection March Detail sketch #fragmentsintofragments [...]

Bunker work period

Artist in residence Batterij aan den Sloterweg, stichting GINDS February - july 2020 Movie about the bunker work period Due to the corona epedimie a normal final exhibition unfortunately can not take place at the bunker. The organisation GINDS came up with the idea to make a movie about our work. Check it out!

Leipzig work period

Artist in residence at Leipzig International Art Programme September 2019 - february 2020 Overview of working period through photos Work in progress 'Industriebaustelle': Industriebaustelle 3.90 x 4.80 meter Drawing materials, paint & collage on to paper 2020 Tour 'Tagebau': Die Rundgang - Exhibition 'Curious Minds':

Winter Rundgang

Omani Salon

Omani Salon @Spinnerei Leipzig Date: 27 november |  1600 Uhr Exhibition and presentation Omani Salon Omani Salon: At the end of their residency, the artists Riham Noor and Rawan AlMahrouqi (both from Oman) will give a presentation on their artistic works and the young art scene in the capital of Oman, Muscat. They are supported [...]

Exhibition Leipzig

Ausstellung 'Een goede start' Öffnung: 3 oktober 2019 |  3 Uhr Ausstellung & Präsentation der Künstler: Ab Donnerstag 3.10. - Sonntag 6.10. immer ab 15.00 Uhr Die Ausstellung zeigt Malerein und Kallitypie von der Niederländischen Künstlerin Joyce ter Weele und Mechanische Installationen von dem Niederländischen Künstler Wim Warrink. Beide haben 2015 promoviert an der Kunst [...]

Lust(rum) 5 jaar melklokaal!

Lust(rum) 5 jaar melklokaal! 20.10 - 17.11.2019 Met de groepstentoonstelling ‘Lust(rum) 5 jaar melklokaal!’ viert melklokaal haar 5-jarige bestaan. Een prikkelende, verleidelijke en sexy show met werk van meer dan 70 kunstenaars die de afgelopen jaren in de artist-run tentoonstellingsruimte te zien waren. Alles binnen formaat 50x40. Van schilderij, tekening, ets en schetsboekje tot mini-videoprojectie, [...]

Leipzig Here I come! Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding behaald!

This Art Fair @Beurs van Berlage

This Art Fair @Beurs van Berlage Amsterdam 27 December - 30 december 2018

Public Choice Award Gallery Pouloeuff

Artist present @Gallery Pouloeuff