About Joyce’s work
Her starting principle rests in the figurative reality captured in her photos, which then serve as the starting point of abstract drawings. In doing so, Joyce makes her environment into her research grounds and her landscape of creativity. Architectural constructions in which humans are absent, in both modern as well as historical buildings, are her main source of inspiration.
Joyce ter Weele (1988) graduated from Academie Minerva in Groningen in 2015, and was awarded the “Coba de Groot” stipend that same year. Ter Weele’s work revolves around the adventure that is observation, and the (re)defining of familiar spaces and forms that is inherent to it. To this end, ter Weele produces drawings in which diverse materials and techniques are combined, including but not limited to charcoal, pencil, fineliner, graphite; collage, photography, printmaking and painting. The common denominator, the carrier, is mostly paper sometimes canvas.
“Zonder titel 3” | Campis Assen | Group
Kunst aan de Vaart Assen | Group
“Konstellationen IV” | Goase Leipzig | Group
“Drawings 2015” | Gallery de Rooij Assen | Solo
“Minerva meets Leipzig” | Drents museum Assen | Group
‘Multifaceted Layer’ | Lindenow#16 | Leipzig | Group
‘Die ich Rief, die Geister werd ich nun nicht los’ | LIA die Spinnerei | Leipzig | Group
‘Wind en scheuren’ | GinDS | Bunker aan den Sloterweg Hoofddorp | Group
‘The curious minds’ | LIA Winter Rundgang die Spinnerei | Leipzig | Group
‘Omani Salon’ | LIA die Spinnerei | Leipzig | Group
Pastel Cafébar | Leipzig | Duo
‘Lust(rum) 5 jaar melklokaal!’ | Melklokaal | Heerenveen | Group
‘Streams of Consciousness’ | Drawing Centre Diepenheim | Group
‘On Paper’ | Gallery Hoorn & Reniers | The Hague | Group
‘Een Schop Onder De Ploeg’ | Groninger Forum | Groningen | Group
‘TorenkamerEXPO Opium’ | Vondel CS | Amsterdam | Group
‘Drawing estafette’ | Minerva | Groningen | Group
‘Parallel’ | Melklokaal | Heerenveen | Group
‘Spacemakers’ | Galery Poeuleuff
DOESZevendZes | Laren | Group
March | Kunstplaza Schurer | Assen | Solo
This Art Fair | Beurs van Berlage | Amsterdam | Group
‘Milkshake 3’ | Melklokaal | Heerenveen | Group
Church Adorp | Group
Coba de Groot prize exibition | Museum Martena | Franeker | Solo
Art the Hague | Gallery Vonkel | The Hague | Group
‘Fragments’ | Groninger Forum | Groningen | Solo
‘Oh natuurlijk’ | CBK Groningen | Group
‘Behind the visible’ | Gallery Vonkel | The Hague | Solo
‘Aanwas II’ | Gallery Noord | Groningen | Group
‘Crowned’ | World Trade Center | The Hague | Group
Art The Hague | Gallery Vonkel | The Hague | Group
‘Lichting ’15’ | Gallery Vonkel | The Hague | Group
‘Hyper’ | Graduation show Art Academy | Groningen | Group
2011- 2015 Art academy Minerva Groningen (with honours)
2018 Vondel CS | Amsterdam
2018 Kunstplaza Schurer | Assen
2018 Drawing Centre Diepenheim | Diepenheim
2018 Galerie Pouloeuff | Spacemaker project I | Naarden
2019/2020 Leipzig International Art Programme | Die Spinnerei Leipzig Germany
2020 Bunker aan den Sloterweg | Stichting GINDS | Hoofddorp/ Amsterdam
Commissioned work / Collections
Drents Museum Assen
ING Bank art collection
Private collectors Netherlands, Germany and Austria
Kunstplaza Schurer & DRP Bureau
Zu Hause
2015 Winner Coba de Groot Stipendium
2015 Klaas Dijkstra Academieprijs (nomination)
2017 STRABAG Art Award Austria (nomination)
2018 Public Choice Award Galerie Pouloeuff